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Building a Christian Community


Minister: Rev. Louis Reddick



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Welcome to the website of Shettleston New Church


Please do have a look round the site whether you are looking to find out when Sunday Services are on, or what's on here during the week, or to find out where the building is located.


Perhaps you have a question or two?

If so, please use our contact page to get in touch, or contact us through our facebook page if that is easier for you.


Thank you for visiting our website.


Shettleston New Church, like many churches across the land, was required to close doors when the country went into lockdown from the end of March 2020 until September 2020.  And again from December 2020 until March 2021.  The congregation were able to worship online thanks to YouTube sermons and this was supplemented by regular emails from our Minister, Louis Reddick and from our Discipleship Facilitator, Douglas Halliday-Robertson.


We re-opened for Sunday worship on 28th March 2021, Palm Sunday.  We met then with restrictions in place such as face covers, one way system and limited to only 30 and sometimes 50 people in attendance! 


Services are back on now every Sunday morning (see Services page) with no restrictions remaining; the use of hand sanitiser being offered to all visitors.


Most midweek activities restarted in Autumn 2021, although these were again halted for a period of time due to the omicron varient rise in Dec'21.  See the Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Boys' Brigade pages for more info.   Please also see our Facebook page for recent news.






‘The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.’ Isaiah 9:2


Dear Friends
The journey towards the first Easter was a rollercoaster ride of emotions for Jesus’ disciples. 

They must have felt bewildered as Jesus predicted what would happen to Him in a few days’ time.. (1)
They saw Jesus shed tears, both at the tomb of Lazarus and as He approached Jerusalem. (2)

But there was great joy as Lazarus was raised and as Jesus rode into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. (3)

They saw righteous anger as Jesus cleared the Temple and as He debated with the Pharisees and challenged their hypocrisy. (4)

They saw examples of great love as a woman anointed Jesus with perfume and as He washed His disciples’ feet. (5)

They had to get their heads round some very challenging parables, and lots of new teaching about the Holy Spirit. (6)

It was no wonder that they were struggling to stay awake in the Garden of Gethsemane as Jesus prayed so fervently, showing such courage and obedience. (7)
Then there was the shock of seeing Jesus betrayed by Judas and all the horrors that would follow on Good Friday. (8)

And the fear that they might be next in line for such a terrible fate. (9)

But then they had the shock, the joy and amazement of seeing the risen Jesus standing among them, giving them His peace and promising that His presence would go with them. (10)

However I can’t help feeling that the rollercoaster ride that went before the joy of Easter Sunday would have been much easier for the disciples if they had really listened to Jesus’ words about what was to come, especially about his rising again.  Instead they allowed themselves to be overtaken by fear and doubt.

Two thousand years later, we can still find ourselves on a journey through life that is full of ups and downs. And at the end of that journey, we too will be in the presence of Jesus, experiencing heavenly peace, joy and amazement forevermore if we put our faith in him. But I suspect we will also find the journey that goes beforehand much easier if we really listen to His words and take them on board, rather than letting fear and doubt creep into our lives. Or as Jesus himself put it:

‘Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart,
and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.’

(Matthew 11:29-30)

Wishing you every blessing for Easter,


Our church services have also been livestreamed most weeks on YouTube – just go to the

 Shettleston New YouTube channel  

at around 11am on Sunday and click on the video marked     LIVE  .



Once again, thank you for visiting our website. We would be delighted if you were able to join us, whether online or in-person, to worship our Lord and Saviour, or to find out about more the Christian faith.


Church in Brazil


Sunday Services will be shown livestream on YouTube every Sunday.


Click on the link below to be taken there.


 Shettleston New YouTube channel  


at around 11am on Sunday and click on the video marked 

   LIVE  .


Please feel free to join us in worship, and make yourself known to Louis via email or using the contacts page.



Please contact Douglas to find out how to be a part of online Bible Study !


Douglas's email;



Shettleston New Church



We are open and meeting on Sundays for worship.


( Tea / Coffee now served after service - please join in and have a chat after the service )


Please feel free to join us in worship, and make yourself known to Louis when you visit.



Faith. Passion. Community. Worship. These are the cornerstones behind Shettleston New Church of Scotland, and we approach each day with these in mind.  Constituted in 2007, the congregation meet in the former Eastbank Church building which first opened in 1904.  Becoming a church member means joining a family who, each day, are devoted to expressing their love of God.

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."

from John Chapter 10, verse 10. 

New International Version of the Bible

Flowers in a Glass Jar
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